Hyperkyphosis is an increase in the thoracic kyphotic curve. It is accompanied by protracted scapulae and a head forward posture.
Hyperkyphosis Massage Treatment Goals:
- Increase local circulation to remove metabolites in weak and taut structures
- Reduce hypertonicity and trigger points
- Stretch shortened muscles
- Relieve pain and muscle tension
- Restore ROM and muscle imbalances
- Retain normal alignment
Hyperkyphosis Massage Treatment:
- Rolled towel placed vertically under the spine
- Hot hydro to one pectoralis major before Myofascial Release, then move on to the opposite side
- V-drape and then Petrissage around the sternum ( costal attachments)
- Petrissage, Muscle Stripping, Origin and Insertion, Ischemic Compressions (for Trigger points) to intercostals,costal border, pectoralis, subscapularis
- PNF stretching to upper thorax muscles and subscapularis release
- Rib springing
- General treatment to the adbdomen
- Diaphragmatic release
- Rib springing
- General treatment to the neck
- Myofascial release, swedish techniques, GTO release, Muscle stripping, Ischemic compressions and Neuromuscular Therapy to Scalenes, Sternocleidomastoids and Suboccipitals
- Treat TMJ if necessary ( see TMJ massage)
- Towel rolls under anterior shoulders
- General techniques to latissimus dorsi, serratus posterior superior, subscapularis, and rotator cuff muscles
- Ischemic compressions to rhomboids, latissimus dorsi, serratus posterior superior, subscapularis
- Stimulating techniques to mid back: trapezius, rhomboids and erector spinae
- Joint play to hypomobile ribs, vertebrae and shoulder joints
Considerations and Contraindications for Hyperkyphosis Massage:
- Avoid mobilizing hypermobile joints, vertebral segments
- Do not randomly stretch fascia
- Avoid lengthening techniques to weak overstretched tissue
- NO vigorous joint play and rib springing to people with Osteoporosis
- Do not apply heat to stretched muscles
Signs and Symptoms of Hyperkyphosis:
- Increased thoracic curve
- Head forward
- Protraction of the scapula
– Posterior muscle imbalances:
- Weak and lengthened: rhomboids, middle trapezius, erector spinae
- Hypertonic and shortened: upper trapezius, suboccipitals, levator scapulae, sternocleidomastoid
– Anterior Muscle Imbalances:
- Weak and lengthened: supra/ infrahyoids, longus capitis/cervicis
- Hypertonic and shortened: pectoralis muscles, subclavius, serrratus anterior, scalene
- Pain ( esp thoracic spine area)
- Sunken chest
- Shallow breathing
- Decrease ROM in the: cervical spine, thoracic spine, and ribs
Self Care for Hyperkyphosis:
- Avoid poor posture and take breaks to stretch
- Avoid sleeping in a curled position
- Diaphragmatic breathing
- Self massage and stretch to shoulder protractors
- Strengthen rhomboids, mid trapezius